Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week #3.....
My pictures weren't expressing what I want to say this week so I'm bending the rules..just this time ;)..... maybe-


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week #2.....

Ben discovering new talents....

A visit to Fantasyland with the boys.....

A day in the life of my athletes...BRRRRRRR
Animal Muppet humanized....
A lil comic relief ala Israeli style......

The perfect table accessory for yet another perfect lunch......

hiccup inducing photobooth fun with my prince

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week #1 here goes...

The prerequisite self portrait :)

A spot I hold dear representing a new happy path growing

The best and cutest Sunday coffee delivery/gym partner I could ask for....

Our day in the city with Grandma & Grandpa

My New Year's Date..studly, isn't he?

A beautiful sunrise as I drive to start my day the way I love

Magnificent flowers that are brightening my home...and my heart

Not a bad way to kick off my year I gotta say!